Monday, May 22, 2006

Taking It To John McCain

A brave young graduating student from The New School gives a commencement speech that rips into the speaker slated to follow her, Senator John McCain.  Read her speech and her explanation for why she chose to scrap her prepared remarks, and instead use her time to pick apart McCain’s words before he even had a chance to say them.  Small acts of bravery and dissent can inspire others to do the same.  Thank you Ms. Jean Rohe, for seizing the opportunity to speak truth to power and for reminding us what real a patriot looks like.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that Jean Rohe and her supporters have announced that they will not listen to anyone else's opinions and will try to shout out and intimidate anyone who disagrees with them, I wonder when they plan to register for membership in the Republican Party.

1:05 PM  

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